
Putting the "H" in "HVAC"

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Putting the "H" in "HVAC"

Unless you live in the tropics, you need a heater, and unless you live in Alaska, you need an air conditioner. Both of these appliances are connected to duct work, which guides the cooled or heated air through your home. Known collectively as HVAC systems, these systems can be quite complex, and they typically need to be installed and worked on by professionals in the heating and cooling industry. But even though professionals will be doing your repairs, it's important that you know the basics. That's what you'll find here! On this blog, you'll learn about different types of heating systems, signs you need repairs, and so much more.

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Have Duct Gaps In Your Commercial Property? Get HVAC Experts To The Property Fast

If you have an old commercial building that you run your business out of and you can see that some of the ductwork has large gaps and separation, call the commercial HVAC contractors in your area to get a couple of quotes. They will bring in a machine to have the commercial ducts closed. The ducts should be sealed, and then you'll want to clean the ventilation system as well. Get cost estimates for the following things.

Duct Closing

There are machines that push the ducts together where seams have split apart. They have the power to align the ducts as needed. Have the commercial HVAC contractors push the ducts together and make sure that all the ducts are in the right places throughout the house which should stop the air loss that is forcing you to waste money monthly. Some walls may have to be cut into to get this completed.

Duct Sealing

After the ducts have been pushed back in alignment, you may want to have the duct sealing agent applied. This should be applied to all the ductwork, and it will stop the ducts from losing air at the seams and acts as a barrier to help with energy efficiency. Some people also add duct insulation around the metal ductwork. This is something that is usually quite affordable and is great for air-loss prevention.

Duct Cleaning

If the ducts have never been cleaned over the years, or you know you've never had it done while you owned the building, there could be a lot of hazardous debris in the ducts. You should consider having the ducts cleaned so that you can remove allergens and dust, clean for mold and mildew, and have antibacterial steam pushed throughout the ventilation system.

Appliance Tune-Ups

Your air conditioner and heater should also get tune-ups by the commercial HVAC professionals. Have the air filters changed and cleaned, which should help with efficiency. The heating and cooling experts that work on commercial units regularly will be able to check for other flaws or repairs that are needed.

The ductwork is important for carrying air around the building to keep your staff and customers comfortable. If you can see an obvious problem with your ductwork, get the ducts examined by commercial HVAC professionals as fast as you can. Getting more than one estimate will be the best way to compare the prices and expenses.

To learn more about commercial HVAC, contact a professional in your area.